P3KU Kebun Komuniti Center
For project 2, students are required to provide detailed design proposals that incorporate data from site assessment and precedent investigations. Students will develop narratives that respond to the environment and community within the given context and explore the environmental poetics of building enclosure designs that reduce environmental impact using a variety of complex typologies of spatial organisation and a variety of passive design techniques.
Presentation Board
Rendered spaces
In my final project, I gained a lot of knowledge about how to design a space for a specific user, determine the needs of the user in the building, research existing designs, and produce a design that is appropriate and user-friendly. Furthermore, I spent a lot of time researching a complex origami roof design that reflects my design concept which is connectivity and how the the building's timber structure work in the community centre. Finally, I hope that all of the mistakes and learning experiences I have had will help me to do better in the upcoming assignment.