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Site Analysis & Design Response

For project 1A, students are required to establish an understanding of the context for intervention. In their divided tutorial groups, the students will visit the place to identify the tangible and intangible traits that characterise the character of the setting. Through conversations with site visitors, the needs of the neighbourhood will be ascertained. As their Design Response to the Site Analysis stage, students will work with their tutorial group to develop a Kebun Komuniti Plan. This plan will serve as the foundation for Projects 1B: Architectural Allotment and Project 2: P3KU Kebun Komuniti Centre.

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Presentation Board 

Masterplan model

Presentation Boards

Presentation Slides


In this project, I was able to understand the connections between community needs, the environment, and sustainable design principles. To ensure that every choice was well-informed and meant, it was made after rigorous observation and data collection.

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